
Business name numerology alpha and numerical
Business name numerology alpha and numerical

business name numerology alpha and numerical

For example, you can only specify up to 18 characters for dynamic descriptor names on Braintree Marketplace transactions. Depending on the type of transaction you're creating, the length/character limits may differ from those outlined above. The name must include the business name, followed by a product name or identifier, separated by an asterisk (*). #=> ĭynamic descriptors are typically composed of a name and phone number or URL. If all the parameters are valid, a transaction will be created with a status of submitted_for_settlement and success? will return true. :device_data => device_data_from_the_client, :payment_method_nonce => nonce_from_the_client, :merchant_account_id => "a_merchant_account_id", If there is anything you want to store with the transaction details that we don't have a field for, you can always use custom fields.Ĭollect device data from the client and include the device_data_from_the_client in the transaction. Some parameters are mutually exclusive, so we'll show those in separate examples. Here is an example of passing in everything a typical merchant might use. Learn more about the Visa Stored Credential Framework in our blog. If installment transactions are not supported in your region, the transaction will automatically be categorized as recurring. Note: installment and installment_first may only be available in certain regions.

#Business name numerology alpha and numerical series#

  • installment_first = Transactions that represent the first in a series of installment payments.
  • business name numerology alpha and numerical

    moto = Transactions that are initiated by the customer via the merchant by mail or telephone.recurring_first = Transactions that represent the first in a series of recurring payments or subscription.when the customer makes a single large purchase and wants to make payments over time).Īccepted values for customer-initiated transactions: installment = Transactions for subsequent installment payments.unscheduled = Transactions for unscheduled payments that are not recurring on a predefined schedule or amount (e.g.subscriptions with a fixed amount on a predefined schedule). recurring = Transactions for subsequent recurring payments (e.g.If the transaction is an ecommerce transaction initiated by the customer, no value is passed.Īccepted values for merchant-initiated transactions: The value passed depends on whether the transaction is initiated by the merchant or the customer.

    business name numerology alpha and numerical

    You can see more examples, including using a vaulted payment method, below the parameter reference. The following example creates a transaction using a payment_method_nonce from a client and instructs that it should be submitted for settlement immediately using options.submit_for_settlement. For additional guidance go to Premium Fraud Management Tools. integration, and must be done prior using risk products. The required data can be easily added during the Braintree SDK or Graph QL. These products can only be leveraged if there is adequate data to support the capabilities. Passing a customer_id is equivalent to passing the payment_method_token of the customer's default payment method.īraintree offers products that manage risk and fraud related to each transaction. To create a transaction, you must include an amount and either a payment_method_nonce, a payment_method_token, or a customer_id. See also the Transaction response object.

    Business name numerology alpha and numerical